

Optimum spatial and functional planning guarantee lean logistics

We inspect the operating technology and simulate and layout your production processes. Your custom-made lean manufacturing concept is achieved using established methodologies, e.g.: JIT/JIS, chain production, consumption-based logistics, commissioning and set formation, Kanban, FiFo, one rack strategy, small load carriers, consumption and refilling, …


Smooth workflow ensures projectable factors

In order to continually improve your processes and workflow as regards transport, speed, assembly and storage, we analyse each area systematically according to the latest criteria and industrial practice, using tried-and-tested process and value stream analyses including subsequent process and value stream design, through shop floor management and standardised work organisation, as well as optimised workplace design. (5S, 5A).

Criteria, such as CIP, A3 report, setup optimisation and TPM, also form part of Lean Manufacturing.


We plan and optimise your production facilities

We create an investment plan, develop requisite studies and strategies, compile specifications, while considering optimum rationalisation and automation levels and organising all necessary equipment transfers and relocations.


Well prepared for future challenges

Upon request, we will take over your project management and create all necessary technical documents. We will develop professional presentations on your behalf and are your acting partner for industrial film presentations.

We can train your company management and workforce in all aspects of lean thinking, lean management and the applied software packages.

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